The Financial Crisis - Implications and Directions for Business Strategies
The Financial Crisis - Implications and Directions for Business Strategies

The Financial Crisis - Implications and Directions for Business Strategies



Sprache: Englisch

Aufrufe gesamt: 723, letzte 30 Tage: 2



European Business School

Preis: k. A.

Program Outline

Directive Objectives

√ Participants understand the origin of the financial crisis and learn about the different affections for industry segments
√ Participants get to know the given and probable implications from the financial crisis for their company
√ Participants learn about different approaches and methods, how they can prepare their companies for counteraction
√ Participants learn about controlling instruments to overcome the financial crisis by specific management procedures
√ Participants learn about early indicators for pre-emptive counteraction
• Introduction – The origin and implications from the financial crisis for businesses
• Alert observation and coverage of the financial base
• Strategic and operative restructuring
• Crisis management for survival
• Case studies with discussion

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