Machine Vision Solutions - All what necessary at ABAQuS group
Machine Vision Solutions - All what necessary at ABAQuS group

Machine Vision Solutions - All what necessary at ABAQuS group

Beitrag, Englisch, Eine Seite, Verlagsgruppe Ratingen

Autor: Dr. Helge Moritz

Erscheinungsdatum: 2006

Quelle: OptoIndex 2007

Aufrufe gesamt: 1145, letzte 30 Tage: 1



Verlagsgruppe Ratingen

Preis: Kostenlos

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Those who have visions and act innovatively gain a headstart before the competition. And you can call it innovative when medium-sized companies are not just working against each other or even competing, but bundling their various forces in a strategic partnership - with the aim of jointly offering the complete business activities and product ranges one of the “biggies” has. By means of joint presentations at trade fairs visitors’ attention will be caught by the combined booth, which significantly enhances the efficiency of fair presence for each of the companies.
ABAQuS group (alliance for image analysis, automation and quality assurance) consistently aims for synergies and supplies complete solutions and components around industrial image analysis. This includes the entire program of automation technology, such as special machine manufacturing, robotics, control engineering, additional sensor technology and the required peripheral systems. The cooperation starts with joint presentations at trade fairs. Should a specialist in a certain field be required, all you have to do is look next door. Meanwhile, the broad field of image analysis has generated several specialized disciplines that cannot be covered by a single company. There are experts for all analysis components, such as special optics, professional lighting systems, various digital cameras and electronic components. Most companies offering complete systems have specialized as well. At any given time, the ABAQuS group has access to 3D shape acquisition and analysis, line camera applications, high-resolution scanning technology and intelligent cameras.
In 2003 the „club“ was founded by Dr. Helge Moritz (managing director of in-situ) during VISION fair in Stuttgart. Since then the number of companies involved and the booth size at trade fairs have experienced continuous growth. More and more companies are interested in participating in ABAQuS success, so that by now choices have to be made. The decision who will be accepted, is taken by the group. After all, a competitive situation within ABAQuS should be avoided. A major aim is to acquire harmony between the group members and to keep the "fun factor" accompanying the cooperation at a high level.
By the way, we try to avoid bureaucracy whenever possible. There are no membership fees. Incidental expenses, especially for the booths, are shared between members. Thus, there is no absolute requirement for a full membership. Some associated partners, mainly suppliers of components, prefer a not too close alliance with the group in order to avoid animosities by some of their clients.
ABAQuS joint presentations can be found during many trade fairs. Smaller-scale presentations are agreed upon between various exposing members. in-situ generally takes the lead in organizing larger fair activities. Among them are especially VISION in Stuttgart and CONMTROL in Sinsheim. During this year's VISION, ABAQuS has a very large booth (app. 100 sqm) with 9 partner companies. There you will find everything needed for image analysis.
Dr. Helge Moritz is the contact person for questions and organizational matters. He channels requests to the partners who can best contribute to the solution required. He is thereby not restricted to ABAQuS partners but incorporates other companies as well. It is important that a feasible solution be presented in every case as far as this is physically possible. Only by doing so, you keep your reputation as a competent partner for creative solutions.

Dr. Helge Moritz

DE, Egling bei Wolfratshausen



Publikationen: 14

Aufrufe seit 12/2003: 3264
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 2