Future Challenges for Media Management and Monitoring
Future Challenges for Media Management and Monitoring

Future Challenges for Media Management and Monitoring

Kongress / Tagung

Referent: Michael Maier


Sprache: Englisch

Aufrufe gesamt: 3165, letzte 30 Tage: 10



Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt

Preis: k. A.

The increasing availability of broadband media networks and the associated increase of available multimedia content in databases, broadcasts and streaming media have generated new requirements for applications and technologies with digital media management.

The effective organisation of and access to digital content of any kind remains one of the most important challenges in the Digital Age. This makes the development of powerful and efficient methodologies for indexing and retrieval of multimedia data one of today’s most relevant and fastest-growing research areas.

The presentation showes how a digital state-of-the-art monitoring system was designed to improve sport sponsorship measuring business, how it actually works and tells about the furture challenges.

Veranstaltungen: 3

Aufrufe seit 11/2006: 392
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 1

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