Change 2.0
Change 2.0

Change 2.0

Beyond Organisational Transformation

Buch, Englisch, 202 Seiten

Autor: Ralf Langen

Herausgeber / Co-Autor: Joachim Klewes, Ralf Langen

Erscheinungsdatum: 2008

ISBN: 3540774947

Aufrufe gesamt: 1079, letzte 30 Tage: 2



keine Angaben

Preis: 42,75 €


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Change before you have to" - the advice by Jack Welch, former CEO of industry giant General Electric, still holds true today. Even more so: organisations permanently have to face change, if they want to succeed economically. No small feat, given the high expectations that employees have in times of transformation towards their management. Staff cannot be entirely left out of the process, anymore. This hard-learned lesson is fairly well understood by now. But how should engagement be designed and carried out? This collection explores the different approaches to employee participation - from a practitoners\\\' perspective. Consultants from Pleon, Europe\\\'s leading communications agency, as well as managers and academics share their experience with change communication and offer valuable insights on what engagement - if tackled correctly - can do for organisations: it adds to the internal trust and external reputation.

Written for:
Academic/corporate libraries, scientists/researchers, lecturers/tutors, graduates/undergraduates, practitioners/professionals

Change Communication
Change Management
Employee Participation

Ralf Langen

DE, München


cc:langen change consulting

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Aufrufe seit 11/2003: 1328
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 2