Technology Scouting
Technology Scouting

Technology Scouting

A case study on the Deutsche Telekom Laboratories

Vortrag, Englisch, 22 Seiten, International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM)

Autor: Prof. Dr. René Rohrbeck

Erscheinungsdatum: 09.01.2007

Quelle: ISPIM-Asia Conference 2007

Aufrufe gesamt: 2339, letzte 30 Tage: 4



International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM)

Preis: kostenlos


Technology Intelligence has become an important field of study in which a variety of different methods are discussed, all aiming at identifying opportunities and threats arising from advances in technology. In this respect, Technology Scouting is a method which can lower the time lag between the advances in technology and their detection by methods such as patent or publication analysis. Furthermore, in an environment of increasing technological complexity and the globalization of R&D, the successful identification and usage of external sources of knowledge is becoming increasingly important.  In the sourcing of technology the scouts can also play an important role in identifying valuable sources and facilitate the sourcing.

Based on two case studies of the Deutsche Telekom and British Telecom, as well as a literature review, the paper proposes a definition of Technology Scouting, a generic process, and identifies the motivations of the actors in the process.

Prof. Dr. René Rohrbeck

DK, Århus V

Aarhus School of Business Aarhus University

Publikationen: 45

Veranstaltungen: 29

Aufrufe seit 07/2006: 7787
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 1