Productivity Shocks and Real Effective Exchange Rates
Productivity Shocks and Real Effective Exchange Rates

Productivity Shocks and Real Effective Exchange Rates

Beitrag, Deutsch, John Wiley & Sons, Inc

Autor: Prof. Dr. Ansgar Belke

Herausgeber / Co-Autor: Beckmann, Joscha; Czudaj, Robert

Erscheinungsdatum: 2015

Quelle: Review of Development Economics, Vol. 19/3

Seitenangabe: 502-515

Aufrufe gesamt: 4, letzte 30 Tage: 1



John Wiley & Sons, Inc

John Wiley & Sons, Inc

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This paper provides new insights into the relationship between exchange rates and productivity developments for European Economies. We focus on the question whether productivity changes have a long-run impact on real effective exchange rates for a large number of European economies. Focusing on a sample period running from 1995 until 2013, we adopt a cointegrated vector autoregressive approach and distinguish between long-run equilibrium, short-run dynamics and long-run impact of shocks. Our findings show that for several industrialized economies, real effective exchange rates and labor productivity are not related over the long-run. A possible explanation for this result is that wage developments do not reflect increases in labor productivity to a large degree, which prevents a transmission to the real effective exchange rate through the price channel. The results for Central and Eastern European Countries are more encouraging since a positive impact of labor productivity on real effective exchange rate is frequently observed.

Prof. Dr. Ansgar Belke

DE, Essen

Inhaber des Jean-Monnet Lehrstuhls VWL, insbes. Makroökonomik an der Universität Duisburg-Essen


Publikationen: 133

Veranstaltungen: 4

Aufrufe seit 04/2005: 12567
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 21