Privatization in Austria
Privatization in Austria

Privatization in Austria

Some Theoretical Reasons and First Results About the Privatization Proceeds

Beitrag, Deutsch, CESifo GmbH

Autor: Prof. Dr. Ansgar Belke

Herausgeber / Co-Autor: Friedrich Schneider

Erscheinungsdatum: 2003

Quelle: CESifo Working Paper No. 1123, Ifo Institut München

Aufrufe gesamt: 403, letzte 30 Tage: 1



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The issues of privatization (and sometimes deregulation) have been reviewed in a large literature on the various aspects of privatization, that has emphasized the potential efficiency gains. Hence, the goal of this paper is twofold: First to provide some theoretical reasoning why privatization is useful as well as profitable for an economy and second to empirically present the extent of privatization in Austria and other European Union countries. Therefore, the reasons why privatization is necessary are elaborated. Then the specific pattern privatization proceeds for Austria relative to other EU and OECD countries is presented. Moreover, some important idiosyncratic extensions for the Austrian case are elaborated. We argue that in the Austrian case, any discussion of privatization cannot be reduced to observing cash flows, the employment performance and the stock-exchange ratings of the privatized formerly stateowned enterprises. Since polito-economic aspects relating to income distribution and ideology play an important role in explaining the way, the extent, the speed and the economic effects of privatization, they have to be considered as well.

Prof. Dr. Ansgar Belke

DE, Essen

Inhaber des Jean-Monnet Lehrstuhls VWL, insbes. Makroökonomik an der Universität Duisburg-Essen


Publikationen: 133

Veranstaltungen: 4

Aufrufe seit 04/2005: 12568
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 19