Knowledge Management Systems
Knowledge Management Systems

Knowledge Management Systems

Buch, Englisch

Autor: Prof. Dr. Ronald Maier

Erscheinungsdatum: 2004

ISBN: 3540434062

Aufrufe gesamt: 916, letzte 30 Tage: 2



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Preis: k. A.


"Information and knowledge have profoundly transformed businesses, organizations and society. Knowledge management promises concepts and instruments that help organizations to provide an environment supportive of knowledge creation, sharing and application. Information and communication technologies are often regarded as the enabler for the effective and especially efficient implementation of knowledge management.

The book presents an almost encyclopedic treatise of the many important facets, concepts and theories that have influenced knowledge management and integrates them into a framework consisting of strategy, organization, systems and economics guiding the design of successful initiatives.

The third edition particularly extends coverage of the two pillars of implementing knowledge management initiatives, i.e. organization and systems."

Prof. Dr. Ronald Maier

AT, Innsbruck

Universität Innsbruck Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft

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Aufrufe seit 08/2007: 1270
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