Is Corporate Bond Market Performance Connected with Stock Market Performance?
Is Corporate Bond Market Performance Connected with Stock Market Performance?

Is Corporate Bond Market Performance Connected with Stock Market Performance?

Beitrag, Englisch, 31 Seiten, Online electronic Working Paper

Autor: Prof. Dr. Hayette Gatfaoui

Erscheinungsdatum: 2008

Quelle: European Financial Management Association (EFMA)

Aufrufe gesamt: 1541, letzte 30 Tage: 1



Online electronic Working Paper

Preis: kostenlos


Stock markets and bond markets are known to interact. Specifically, the
common stock market trend (i.e., business cycle also termed market/systematic
risk) impacts the common corporate bond market trend (i.e., credit cycle).
First, we disentangle the common latent component from total stock returns,
namely the common systematic/unobserved stock market component. Second,
we extract the common latent component from total bond returns, namely the
common unobserved/systematic corporate bond component.Then, we estimate
the dynamic relationship between systematic total stock returns and
systematic total bond returns over time (i.e., co- and anti-monotonicity risk).
We characterize therefore the time-varying correlation risk (i.e., correlation
risk structure) between stock performance and corporate bond performance.
Results are instructive in a dynamic risk management prospect with regard
to equity- and corporate bond-based portfolios. . .

Prof. Dr. Hayette Gatfaoui

FR, Mont Saint-Aignan

Rouen Business School

Publikationen: 11

Veranstaltungen: 2

Aufrufe seit 02/2009: 1659
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 5