Green IT
Green IT

Green IT

More than a passing fad!

Studie, Deutsch, Deutsche Bank Research

Autor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Heng

Erscheinungsdatum: 09.05.2011

Quelle: Current Issues

Aufrufe gesamt: 377, letzte 30 Tage: 4



Deutsche Bank Research

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Deutsche Bank AG

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"IT harbours huge “green” potential.
This applies on the one hand to the saving of resources in IT itself ("green in IT"). But on the other hand it also applies to the resources that can be saved by implementing intelligent IT systems in
the economy as a whole ("green by IT"). 54% of the companies we surveyed for this study know the difference between the two concepts. So while the difference is starting to sink in, there is still scope for raising awareness..."




Prof. Dr. Stefan Heng

DE, Mannheim, Universitätsstadt

Professor, Autor, Keynote-Speaker

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg

Publikationen: 18

Aufrufe seit 08/2007: 1791
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 2