Effective Presentations across International Boundaries
Effective Presentations across International Boundaries

Effective Presentations across International Boundaries



Sprache: Deutsch

Aufrufe gesamt: 1612, letzte 30 Tage: 16



Akademie für Wirtschaft und Technik gemeinnützige Stiftung e.V.

Telefon: +49-911-40905-53

Telefax: +49-911-40905-33


Preis: k. A.


With increasing globalization business executives today are expected to perform a wide range of tasks and conduct business across international boundaries. This, in turn, requires interaction with people and their organizations in different cultural environments. Thus intercultural awareness can well have an impact on the outcome in business relations. One learnable skill that is frequently required is the ability to do good, effective presentations in front of an international audience on a variety of topics, including the com-
pany itself and presenting ideas, work results and last but not least the company’s products and services.


This seminar is geared toward executives and professionals who have the task of interacting internationally and presenting in English.


The purpose of this seminar is to provide participants with practical guidelines of how to prepare, organize, and deliver a successful presentation so that they can be more effective in an international setting. They
learn techniques for speaking with con­fidence, choosing audio-visual aids, and dealing with questions from an audience.


Theoretical input, group exercises, individual presentations, video analysis.

  • Presentation structure
  • Thorough preparation
  • Developing your own style
  • Techniques for success
    • Reaching the audience -Rapport
    • Verbal & non-verbal signals
    • Your voice, tempo, variation
  • Audience attention
  • Attention getting openers
  • The body of your presentation
  • Devising a strong close
  • Dealing with questions (Q&A)
  • Intercultural awareness
    • Cultural differences
    • Monochronic or polychronic
    • High context or low context
    • Space and gesturing
  • Effective use of visual aids

Nach § 4 Ziffer 21a und § 4 Ziffer 22a des Umsatzsteuergesetzes sind - aufgrund unserer Gemeinnützigkeit - unsere Leistungen von der Umsatzsteuer befreit.
Die Preise verstehen sich: inkl. Lehrmaterial, Mittagessen und Getränken

Kein Referent eingetragen
Zeitpunkt Veranstaltungsort Beschreibung Kontaktperson  
14.02.2012 - 16.02.2012
Termine auf Anfrage: info@grundig-akademie.de Kontaktanfrage
16.11.2011 - 18.11.2011
Termine auf Anfrage: info@grundig-akademie.de Kontaktanfrage