Automotive Development Processes
Automotive Development Processes

Automotive Development Processes

Processes for Successful Customer Oriented Vehicle Development

Buch, Englisch, 330 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 08.07.2009

ISBN: 3642012523

Aufrufe gesamt: 1369, letzte 30 Tage: 1



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Preis: 139,05 €


For any product development process, the key question is which factors guarantee the product’s success in the market. The book discusses the critical factors for success in automotive development, from product strategy through all phases of development to series production, and characterizes the roles and activities of all partners involved. It is a comprehensive, practically oriented compilation of motor vehicle development, focusing on the complete vehicle integration processes as the orchestration of all activities required to strategically plan and implement the customer relevant characteristics of the complete product.

The book covers central subjects such as building and testing of virtual cars, systems integration, project management or supplier integration; and offers a variety of examples and pictures from real-life vehicle development and gives the reader a very realistic insight into the complex world of vehicle development projects.

Written for:
Engineers, management, suppliers and R&D-employees specialized in product development in automotive industry, mechanical engineering or space and aeronautics, graduate engineering students

- automotive engineering
- product development
- product strategy
- project management
- supplier network
- system development
- vehicle charasteristics
- vehicle development
- virtual car process

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