E-commerce settles for established payment systems
E-commerce settles for established payment systems

E-commerce settles for established payment systems

Limited market potential for innovative payment systems

Beitrag, Englisch, 12 Seiten, Deutsche Bank Research

Autor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Heng

Herausgeber / Co-Autor: Deutsche Bank Research

Erscheinungsdatum: 14.05.2007

Quelle: Deutsche Bank Research, E-conomics

Aufrufe gesamt: 642, letzte 30 Tage: 2



Deutsche Bank Research

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Traditional payment systems continue to dominate B2C e-commerce. A host of innovative payment systems are pushing into the market. However, these systems often have a limited focus on niche segments. The only ones with mass-market promise are those innovative systems that take into account the particular features of B2C e-commerce, enjoy the support of established e-shops or service providers in payment transactions and can convey the unique added value that they offer.
Some innovative payment systems fail to address the typical business situation in B2C e-commerce. Numerous systems are only geared to settling micro-payments, but most e-shops do not ever charge such small amounts. In addition, innovative mobile payment systems advertise the advantages of their portability. However, this trump cannot be played in a typical online situation.
Payment systems operate in an intensively regulated, complex market environment. Policy and regulatory frameworks even outside the financial sector have a sustained influence on the market potential of payment systems. The net effect of political decisions on payment systems is not clear a priori. Given the substantial administrative expense involved, however, we believe that government regulation limits the potential of the small innovative systems in particular.




Prof. Dr. Stefan Heng

DE, Mannheim, Universitätsstadt

Professor, Autor, Keynote-Speaker

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg

Publikationen: 18

Aufrufe seit 08/2007: 1791
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 2