Success comes with careful planning
Success comes with careful planning

Success comes with careful planning

Introduction of PDM software in the apparel industry (Part1)

Studie, Englisch, Meisenbach Verlag GmbH

Autor: Margot Schubert

Herausgeber / Co-Autor: Margot Schubert

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.12.2004

Seitenangabe: 48-50

Aufrufe gesamt: 463, letzte 30 Tage: 2



Meisenbach Verlag GmbH

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In the fashion industry, new products are constantly being developed. New collections must reach the customer faster and faster. A decreasing number of companies run their own production sites and more and more work is outsourced to third parties. In order for businesses to remain competitive, product development must work smoothly. Rapid information flow to external designers, pattern agencies and production plants is part of what determines a company’s success. These tasks can be managed with the help of  product data management (PDM) software.

The prerequisites of successful PDM introduction are disscussed in this article.


Margot Schubert

DE, München


Margot Schubert Consulting Beratung, Analyse, Implementierung & Service für die Bekleidungsindustrie

Publikationen: 6

Veranstaltungen: 1

Aufrufe seit 07/2006: 901
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 1