Fusionen & Akquisitionen in Österreich 2008
Fusionen & Akquisitionen in Österreich 2008

Fusionen & Akquisitionen in Österreich 2008

Mergers & Acquisitions in Austria 2009

Studie, Englisch, 29 Seiten, imaa Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances

Autor: Prof. Dr. Christopher Kummer

Erscheinungsdatum: 2009

Aufrufe gesamt: 1284, letzte 30 Tage: 1



imaa Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances

Telefon: +41-44-5867996

Telefax: +41-44-5753109

Preis: kostenlos


Mergers & Acquisitions activity: Mergers & Acquisitions activity in Austria has decreased in 2008 in terms of numbers (-22%) and value (-64%). This decrease in Austrian deal activity is much higher than the overall trend worldwide and in Europe. Hence, deal making in Austria has been impacted in 2008 a lot more than elsewhere. National vs. Cross-border M&A: The share of national deals in the total value has reached a new record of 63%; last exceeded in 1992. Especially acquisition by Austrian companies abroad have lost in importance of value. Almost all Austrian deals abroad take place in Europe. For the first time, the number of Austrian acquisitions in Eastern Europe has been higher than in Western Europe. Austrian companies rather seem to have reinforced their Eastern Europe strategy. Nevertheless, most deals have taken place in neighbouring Germany. Turkey however has played an important role in 2008. The majority of foreign acquirors in Austria are fromWestern Europe (Top 1 in number and value: Germany). Industry : The majority of deals in terms of number and value have taken place in the financials sector. Top deals: National deals dominate the list of top deals in 2008. 3 out of the top 15 deals are share buy backs, taking advantage of lower valuations.

Table of contents

Executive Summary
1) Mergers & Acquisitions Activity in Austria
2) National and Cross-border M&A in Austria
3) M&A in Austria by industry
4) Top Austrian Deals
5) M&A Worldwide & Europe

Prof. Dr. Christopher Kummer

AT, Wien

Professor & Berater

imaa Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances

Publikationen: 63

Veranstaltungen: 24

Aufrufe seit 09/2005: 9565
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 8