Digital Libraries in Knowledge Management - An e-Learning Case Study
Digital Libraries in Knowledge Management - An e-Learning Case Study

Digital Libraries in Knowledge Management - An e-Learning Case Study

Beitrag, Englisch

Autor: Prof. Dr. Matthias L. Hemmje

Herausgeber / Co-Autor: Fuchs, M., Muscogiuri, C., Niederée, C., Hemmje, M.

Erscheinungsdatum: 2004

Quelle: Journal of Digital Libraries Special Issue Digital Libraries as Experienced by the Editors of the Journal. January 2004

Aufrufe gesamt: 412, letzte 30 Tage: 1



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Knowledge and libraries - this conceptual symbiosis is as old as the idea of libraries itself: Libraries collect artifacts of explicated knowledge and make them available for building up new knowledge in all areas of everyday life. Learning and qualification management support are further essential links in the knowledge supply chain, which starts at the expert knowledge of an author and ends at the targeted enhancement of another person’s individual knowledge. Digital libraries and elearning systems thus are important enabling technologies for the knowledge supply chain in the digital age. The e-qualification project presented in this paper combines digital library, e-learning and authoring support into an adaptable qualification management framework that provides integrated support and mediation for the various stakeholders involved in the qualification management process.

Prof. Dr. Matthias L. Hemmje

DE, Pfungstadt

Lehrgebiet Internetanwendungen

FernUniversität Hagen

Publikationen: 96

Aufrufe seit 06/2004: 11066
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 4